Saturday 18 February 2017

Even in death, Mugabe's corpse will still contest for president says Wife

Grace Mugabe, wife of Zimbabwe dictator, Robert Mugabe has warned oppositions to stop wishing her husband death because even if he dies, his corpse will contest for Presidency.

 The first lady of Zimbabwe and wife of 92 year old dictator Robert Mugabe, has said her husband won’t be leaving power anytime soon.
According to The Guardian, Grace Mugabe accused some ruling Zanu-PF party officials of plotting to take over from her husband and said that if he dies supporters should put his name on the ballot to show their love for him.
Grace told thousands of supporters at a rally in Buhera, eastern Zimbabwe that her husband is beloved by many who will vote for him even in death.
Robert Mugabe's corpse will contest for presidency - Wife
Robert Mugabe's corpse will contest for presidency - Wife
Grace who spoke in Shona, a native language reportedly said: “If Mugabe dies, we will field his corpse as a candidate for elections to prove that people love him.”
A media house in Zimbabwe later tweeted the first lady speech for those who aren’t fortunate enough to be present at the rally.
Grace Mugabe warned associates of her husband from the era of the guerrilla war against white rule that they were also too old to take power.
Grace said: “Anyone who was with Mugabe in 1980 has no right to tell him he is old. If you want Mugabe to go, then you leave together. You also have to leave. Then we take over because we were not there in 1980.”
Robert Mugabe became the prime minister of Zimbabwe in 1980 and became the president in 1987. He has ruled the country since then and would be 93 years next week.

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